Employment Opportunities
Learn how TYJ Logistics is leading the way in trucking. With the industry’s most advanced logistic systems and services.
TYJ Logistics, LLC can provide access to a Prepass account (which helps drivers avoid weigh stations and with paying tolls). We can provide connections with insurance companies, and we have a lifetime membership to the OOIDA (Owner Operator Independent Driver Association).
Employee Testimonials
“Working for this company is great. They are lenient, they provide a way for me to make some extra money, and it seems like they really care.”
Billy N.
“TYJ is different. It’s sort of like what you’d imagine if you were running the show. Everything is accounted for and I feel respected”.
Donna D. F.
“These guys are great. I finally found a place where I fit in. I almost went with another carrier but I’m glad I didn’t”.
Thomas B.